Keep track of minimum wage changes

For companies to properly manage and correctly pay employees, they need to be aware of changes to basic compensation for employee time. Minimum wage laws induced increases to those rates in 13 different states at the beginning of 2014.

There are now 21 states, along with Washington, D.C., that have base wages higher than the federal minimum of $7.25 per hour, according to news source There are also some cities and municipalities that have a pay rate higher than the federal standard, including San Francisco at $10.55 per hour, local news source KQED reported. Seattle suburb SeaTac - home of the area's major airport, which is a large employer - pays those workers $15 per hour, according to

The highest statewide wage is in Washington, which requires businesses to pay workers at least $9.32 an hour. State-based increases were concentrated in the West and Northeast where five states in each region boosted pay. In the Northeast, only two states have wages pegged to the federal standard: Pennsylvania and New Hampshire.

Employers that have businesses in multiple states or are in a state that raised base pay rates should use attendance tracking software that adapts to changing wages.

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