When companies need additional employees to fill gaps that have opened up as the result of expansion or departures, they may want to act immediately so they don't suffer productivity losses. Before moving forward with the process, there are a number of factors to consider, such as desired level of training, pay rate, personal qualities and what exactly the position will entail on a day-to-day basis, according to
Business 2 Community.
Although these basic considerations will help recruiters identify the most qualified candidates, there are other factors that can play an important role in the decision and perhaps reveal additional qualified candidates. In a
separate article, the source recommends companies think about hiring remote workers for certain positions.
It may not be the correct fit for every job or person, but it could help companies connect with highly trained prospects who live far away, the source adds. Often, individuals who have performed remote work previously are reliable and understand how to meet workloads without coming to the office.
If employers are concerned that remote workers won't meet expectations, they can establish policies in their employee handbooks, or include provisions in the job description before adding a person onto payroll.
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