San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency predicted to exceed overtime

The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is set to overrun its annual overtime budget by 55 percent - the equivalent of almost $18 million.

According to Muni operations chief John Haley, the agency is frequently short-staffed, leaving willing members of the nearly 1,500 operators on its payroll to pick up extra hours at time-and-a-half pay or risk reducing service.

The agency, which has an annual operating budget of $775 million, allotted $30.8 million for overtime in 2010 and is projected to spend more than $48 million this year. However, Muni - like some other departments - is known to deliberately underestimate overtime expenses, resulting in figures that are unlikely to be met. According to chief financial officer Sonali Bose, the overtime spending is higher than planned but still falls within the agency's staffing budget, and San Francisco City Controller Ben Rosenfield confirmed that extra money is unlikely to be needed in order to cover this year's staffing costs.

In January, the agency announced its intentions to compensate for its budget deficit by increasing parking citation revenue. However, a strategy for this plan is yet to materialize, according to the San Francisco Examiner. 

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